The Night Men

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Title: The Night Men
Author(s): Carol Turner
Date(s): 1989
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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The Night Men is a Kirk/Spock story by Carol Turner.

It was published in the print zine Beside Myself #1.


"As Kirk takes command of the Enterprise, he has an immediate attraction to his Vulcan science officer."

Reactions and Reviews


A nice way to start off the zine, with the new Captain and First Officer becoming acquainted — and already beginning to see beneath the surface. The writing style, I felt, was a little disjointed — made me wonder if this piece is from earlier in the author's writing career — and such descriptions as Spock being an "almost eager youth" seem out of character unless it was merely an astute perception by Kirk (which should have been made clear). But the idea of the two meeting in their night prowlings was realistic and enjoyable. [1]

This vignette seemed too pat and perfect and felt somewhat forced. (Or maybe I have too strong of a bias against K & S starting a relationship so early on. ) I also couldn't accept the idea that Kirk went to the library to find out all he could about Vulcans after having been in command of the Enterprise for a mere ten minutes. Surely, he had other things on his mind. Some of the sentences seemed awkward, but that may have been the fault of the late hour in which I read it, rather than any shortcomings on the author's part. The best thing about this story were two excellent portraits of Kirk and Spock by Kay Wells. They both depict a wonderful youthful innocence that seemed more realistic than what the story portrayed. [2]


  1. ^ from The LOC Connection #7
  2. ^ from The LOC Connection #7