The Moons of Iego

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Name: The Moons of Iego
Owner/Maintainer: Aeryn
Dates: 1999-current
Type: Fansite
Fandom: Star Wars
URL: (via Wayback)
The Moons of Iego homepage, Sept. 2019
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The Moons of Iego is a fansite for Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala.


  • Biographies of Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala
  • Official images, quotes, screenplays
  • Fanfiction, fanart, fan graphics, essays

Site History

This site was launched at is a dead address now) sometime around October 1999 (I've lost track of the actual date) under the name 'The Anakin Skywalker and Queen Amidala Website.' Creative, no?  ;-) I changed the name once I found out Padmé didn't stay Queen. I think.
My intrigue with the character of Vader and the mysterious wife who is mentioned only once in the entire original trilogy had become, with the advent of Episode I, an increasing interest for me, sowing my 'shippy loving roots. Of course Ani being a 9-year old then, the dominant prequel fanfic pairing was Obidala or an Ani/Ami/Obi love triangle, which I found I despised. Scouring the internet I found very little, if anything that was pro-A/A (no websites; the fanfic I could count on one hand), and grew frustrated. I originally planned on an anti-love triangle site, but on a little bit of thinking decided to do a pro-Anakin/Amidala site instead, so I could be sure of at least one place on the internet I didn't run into any love triangle/Obidala crap and could enjoy my favorite couple in relative peace. For a while this cheese stood alone, but soon fortunately began to thrive. Particularly once the hype of Episode II began, more A/A sites began to spring up - many of which have since fizzled completely. Even this site went without updating for a very long time a few years ago, and may as well have been closed. [1]


  1. ^ TMOI, A History (Accessed 7 September 2019).