The Letter (Starsky and Hutch story)

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Title: The Letter
Author(s): Teri White
Date(s): 1980
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Starsky & Hutch
External Links: online here

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The Letter is a gen Starsky & Hutch story by Teri White.

It was printed in Casa Cabrillo.

Reactions and Reviews


You will definitely think I'm daft when I tell you about my reaction to The Letter. I started reading this and got about halfway through it when I just could not read any more because I could not see for the tears in my eyes. Stupid, I know. I had to turn to the end. Once I had read the last paragraph I started again and read it all the way through. I know I cheated, but I just couldn't help it. I finally enjoyed it. [1]

Teri White’s ’’The Letter” had me in tears and there aren’t many that do that. [2]


I love sad stories. I love stories that make me cry.... ["The Letter" is] one that has stuck with me for a

very long time is in Starsky and Hutch. It is called "The Letter" by Teri White (of course, one of the best writers in any fandom ever) and it is in the zine "Casa Cabrillo" (1980). When you asked the question of sad stories I had to go looking through my S & H zines to find this one. I have always remembered it. I just reread it and it made me cry again. It is a death story. I look forward to your list. I usually prefer when stories make me cry that they also have a happy ending.

There are a lot of other good stories in S & H to make you cry but like I said this story just stayed with me. [3]


One of the exciting things about fan fic is that a writer can explore anything --- even unsettling or unpleasant situations -- and that's ok, because it's not permanent. The reader can accept or reject any author's vision of Starsky & Hutch's world, depending on her own needs. Ok, I like these guys, and yes, I like it when they live happily ever after. But we'd miss out on a lot of awfully good stories if we didn't have writers

willing to examine all the possibilities suggested by their relationship.

While I have my preferences, -- I admit to believing that S&H is One True Pairing -- [Rosemary C's] "Alternate" (on the Slash Archive) is one of my favorite stories. And I find Teri White's "The Letter" (in the zine CASA CABRILLO) terribly poignant, in spite of the fact that I'm not normally a fan of death stories. [4]


  1. ^ from a letter of comment by a fan in England, likely sent directly to the publisher
  2. ^ from remnants of a letter of comment by Kathleen Gaiteley, likely sent directly to the publisher
  3. ^ from Virgule-L, quoted anonymously (April 6, 1997)
  4. ^ from Venice Place Mailing List, quoted anonymously (May 11, 2001)