The Jungle Book (Professionals story)

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Title: The Jungle Book
Author(s): Sebastian
Date(s): 1980s
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): The Professionals
Relationship(s): Bodie/Doyle
External Links: On the Hatstand Archive

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The Jungle Book is a Professionals circuit story by Sebastian.

Reactions and Reviews


While her Doyle and Bodie are (for me) the lads I see on screen, she often spins their relationship -- or layers their characters -- in ways I'm unconvinced about. But I've reached a point where I trust her enough as a writer to simply relax and enjoy the ride.... I admit there are a couple of stories I'm not crazy about. Velvet Underground doesn't do much for me or Jungle Book, but overall I like almost everything she's done. Even when she's going in a direction I'm not that interested in, I find her explorations worth following (at least once). It's a relatively small body of work, alas.[1]

Friends will know I have a low tolerance of serious, long-drawn out angsty fics of the type I associate with Sebastian and M. Fae Glasgow, but increasingly I'm finding another side to Sebastian - short, bewitching and attractively lacking in angst. This week I've read (and enjoyed!) "Army Games" and "The Jungle Book"... [2]


  1. ^ 2010 comments at CI5hq
  2. ^ 2010 comments at CI5hq