The Insurance Policy

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Title: The Insurance Policy
Author(s): Joann Humby
Date(s): October 1996
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: The Insurance Policy, Archived version

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The Insurance Policy is an X-Files story by Joann Humby.

Synopsis: "Mulder wakes up with no recollection of the last six weeks."

Reactions and Reviews

Today’s rec is a doozy of a casefile where Mulder is his own casefile. It starts with him getting farmed out to the CIA for an undercover assignment and quickly morphs from there into a fast-paced mindbender when he wakes up in a homeless shelter six weeks later with no idea what the hell happened to him and Scully showing up with a surveillance video that appears to show him murdering a security guard in cold blood. We love a good Mulder-in-peril fic, and when you couple that with profiler!Mulder taking control of the VCU for a high profile kidnapping/murder case, some high quality UST, and an undercurrent of /Other that ties into the mytharc, well, you’ve got yourself one heck of a Friday night adventure.[1]
