The Heart of the Matter (Star Trek VOY story)

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Star Trek VOY Fanfiction
Title: The Heart of the Matter
Author(s): Seema
Date(s): 2002
Fandom: Star Trek: Voyager
External Links: Read at the author's website

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The Heart of the Matter is a Star Trek: VOY story by Seema.

It was the winner of a 2002 ASC Award.

Reactions and Reviews

A intereesting look into a couple that isn't really liked or understood. [1]

In the Glory Days universe the course of true love ne'er did run smooth. And this is just one more example of it as Seven and Chakotay appear to be imploding under the weight of their own inability to communicate. I look forward to seeing what happens to them. [2]

No one who has ever faced the prospect of separation from a partner can fail to be moved by this well-written C/7 story. I like the way the characters' surface conversation masks so many deeper tensions. And it's good to see an admirable, likable, yet human Chakotay again -- the character he was initially in canon. [3]

The theme of this story--the 'heart'--is one of a couple discovering that sometimes love just isn't enough. That common experiences and shared expectations are essential. Also emphasized is the importance of pursuing one's own dreams, even though this may eventually force a choice to be made. Sometimes the only thing that can be done for someone you love is to let them go. Seema does a beautiful job of capturing the essence of all this in her story. [4]

I loved the picture of the Boston area created in the very first passages. The "heart of the matter" of Seema's tale though lies in the relationship between Chakotay and Seven, and once again I am impressed at how convincingly and sympathetically Seema brings them to life. I found in particular her depiction of Seven, her changes and her still awkwardness in human interaction very poignant. (It was impossible for me not to laugh out loud at Seven's insistence she drive the flitter, a reference no doubt to Chakotay's predilection for wrecking shuttles.) [5]

One of the problems with C/7 is that it was sprung so abruptly that it was hard to see the attraction. This story shows us why these two people wound up together, and shows them fighting to stay together despite the different pulls they both feel. It's sad, yet so very believable. [6]

This is my favorite story in the Glory Days series. Chakotay's cluelessness is endearing; the little details of his unconscious realization that something is wrong are subtle and wonderful. I loved the way Seema told the whole story of what was going on with Seven of Nine without ever saying any of it explicitly. The incident with the jewelry is a great example of this masterpiece of show-don't-tell. All the little moments of Seven's nervousness and unusual behavior add up to a wonderful story. [7]

This description of a couple drifting apart and unwilling to recognize the fact is starkly realistic. I can see this insecure Seven staying with Chakotay out of fear of being alone. [8]

Like the rest of the Glory Days stories, this is a peek at post-Endgame Seven becoming more and more human as she progresses from Chakotay's girlfriend to a professor and an independent woman. Seema writes wonderful subtext into her stories, and this is no exception. The hints of what's to come for this pair are there, but not set in neon lights. Great job, Seema. [9]
