The Four Kingdoms

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Title: The Four Kindoms
Author(s): Meg Tipper
Date(s): Book 1 completed in 2002 (Wayback date)
Length: 115,387 words (Book 1)
Genre(s): gen fantasy AU
Fandom(s): The Magnificent Seven
External Links: The Four Kingdoms (author's site)
The Four Kingdoms.png

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The Four Kindoms is a Magnificent Seven fantasy AU novel by Meg Tipper.

Summary: "In the Four Kingdoms, Sir Larabee is the champion of a fallen kingdom, Vin Tanner a scout and archer, Lord Standish a thief, Josiah Sanchez a mage, Nathan Jackson a healer, Buck Wilmington a former Captain of the Guard, and JD Dunne a stable-boy. In Book One, a maddened King is attempting to recreate an ancient empire by combining the Four Kingdoms into one, and, when the story begins, he has all but succeeded. In order to prevent the darkness that will come with the empire, these seven men were destined to come together to stop him."

There are also four sequels. Book Two: After the Fall, Book Three: The Fay Wars Book Four: The Border and Book Five: Rhea and the Wolf".