The Expert Neighbor

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Title: The Expert Neighbor
Author(s): A.T. Bush
Date(s): 1990
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
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The Expert Neighbor is a Kirk/Spock story by A.T. Bush.

It was published in the print zine Counterpoint #3.


"Kirkʼs help in getting Spock through the discomfort caused by his aborted pon farr turns out to be only Kirkʼs wishful dream."

Reactions and Reviews


This was a sexy, fascinating story. It's not easy to write sex scenes and make them interesting to one who has read thousands of thea in the last 30 years, but A.T. did it. I was suckered completely and so surprised to find it was all a dream. [1]


AT Bush has the unbelievable knack of writing the best sex scenes ever. A very appealing matter-of-fact approach. In the space of 30 pages, she manages to deliver two masturbation scenes, one blow job and two intercourse scenes. Sorry for summing them up, but I couldn't believe my eyes at first and I truly had to count them. The amazing thing is that they aren't boring at all and that's a feat. How about that? Combined with a very good characterization, I could read it again and again and it won't make me skip scenes, which if I'm brutally honest has happened with other authors. I have to say it has turned out to be one of my favorite AT Bush stories. And yes, there's a story too, dealing with Spock's aborted pon farr. So help yourself. [2]


  1. ^ from The LOC Connection #20
  2. ^ from The K/S Press #36