The Dissolution

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Title: The Dissolution
Author(s): Eva Stuart
Date(s): 1986
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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The Dissolution is a Kirk/Spock story by Eva Stuart.

It was published in the print zine In the Wilderness #1.


"The ship Lt. Kirk is a passenger on is rescued by the Enterprise, reuniting him with his lover from the academy. Spock Prequel: The Test. Sequel: The Puzzle."

Reactions and Reviews

Eva Stuart's "The Dissolution" brings Kirk and Spock back together again after a mutual agreement to terminate their previous relationship for the good of ambition and career. Following their reunion, they both find the need to forge ways of remaining together. As Pike tells the Vulcan: "'Some Captains can only command alone, others need...a balance for perfection.'" [1]
