The City of Atlantis

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Name: The City of Atlantis
Owner/Maintainer: Rebmakash
Dates: Aug 13 2002 - ?
Fandom: Atlantis: The Lost Empire
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The City of Atlantis was a fansite for the 2001 Disney film Atlantis: The Lost Empire. The site was managed by Rebmakash and hosted on Geocities.

The site was structured as if visitors were actually visiting the city, with canon characters and OCs giving information on updates and guiding you to different sections of the site. The site sections had names such as "The Royal Opera House" (links to Atlantis RP groups), "The Circle Doot Library" (fanfiction, hosted on-site or links to FFnet), "PagoPago" (fanart gallery), "Central Wesertem" (a "marketplace" with goodies such as adoptables, printable bookmarks, avatars, wallpapers, etc), "Inky Neshak's Tattoo Parlor" (Site visitors could "collect tattoos" by finding them hidden around the site or by being awarded them for participation in fan activities), "Caves to the Outer World" (links to external sites).

The imagemap directory from the main hub ("Outer Rim") of the site.

Fanfic authors listed