The Best of Trek Fanfic Interview with Julie Evans

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Interviews by Fans
Title: The Best of Trek Fanfic Interview with Julie Evans
Interviewer: The Best of Trek Fanfic
Interviewee: Julie Evans
Date(s): September 1999
Medium: online
Fandom(s): Star Trek: VOY
External Links: An Interview with Julie Evans, Archived version
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The Best of Trek Fanfic Interview with Julie Evans was conducted in 1999.

It is part of a series of nineteen interviews, see The Best of Trek Fanfic.


[How did you get started writing fanfic?]: I joined the P/T Collective on AOL, and discovered fanfic there and on the Internet, and was hooked. This was in February of 1997. Shortly thereafter I began to write it myself.

[What is your favorite fanfic?]: *Very* hard question, because there are many great stories and authors out there, but if I had to name one author and story, it would be Janet Toner (Jamelia) and her AU series "Warmth." The series has everything, in-depth and accurate characterization, humor, occasional pathos, and above all, warmth. Janet's affection for the characters always shines through in her stories.

[Do you have any advice to other fanfic writers?]: Write what you feel passionate about. And if you get enjoyment out of the process and pride from the result, that self-satisfaction is what really matters most.