The Best of Trek Fanfic Interview with Dave Rogers

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Interviews by Fans
Title: The Best of Trek Fanfic Interview with Dave Rogers
Interviewer: The Best of Trek Fanfic
Interviewee: Dave Rogers
Date(s): December 1999
Medium: online
Fandom(s): Star Trek: VOY
External Links: An Interview with Dave Rogers, Archived version
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The Best of Trek Fanfic Interview with Dave Rogers was conducted in 1999.

It is part of a series of nineteen interviews, see The Best of Trek Fanfic.


[How long have you been a Trek fan?]: I can't remember not being one. I think I was born a sci-fi fan, and I started watching TOS back in the Seventies on its first run in Britain because it was the only really good SF on TV.

[What is your favorite series to watch? To write for?]: Both Voyager; to watch, because it's easier to identify with Voyager's more flawed characters, and to write because - how shall I put this politely - Voyager's writers seem to leave more spaces to insert fanfic into.

[What type of fanfic do you like to write?]: Something a bit different to whatever I wrote last, generally; I like some variation in style. I enjoy drabbles (100-word stories) because of the constraints they impose and the discipline needed to get a story across that quickly, but it's a bit like practising scales and arpeggios on the piano - it's important to play full length pieces as well. I like humorous stories because there are no excuses to fall back on - either the reader laughs, or it's a bad story. As for characters, I have a strong bias towards Paris, Torres and Tuvok, because I feel I understand them best, and an aversion to Chakotay, whose voice I've really only got right once.

[Is there someone who inspires your writing, be it a famous person, one of the actors or another fic writer?]: Probably all of the above. I've put several things from my own life into my stories, but generally fairly well disguised to avoid falling into Mary Sue-dom. (And I'm not telling you which bits they are!) I tend to take inspiration wherever I can find it, though - challenges, disguised re-interpretations of song lyrics, Jim Wright's criticism of an episode, homages to favourite authors, a look on B'Elanna's face, a November evening - all these have inspired stories.