The Best of All Possible Worlds

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Title: The Best of All Possible Worlds
Author(s): Jeanita Danzik
Date(s): 1996
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TNG
External Links: online here

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The Best of All Possible Worlds is a Star Trek: TNG Picard/Q story by Jeanita Danzik.

It was the winner of a 1996 ASC Award.

It has a sequel called In the Valley of the Shadow.


"Q takes Picard to the Mirror Universe (the one from Diane Duane's Dark Mirror where the Empire still reigns, not the one from DS9 where the humans have been enslaved), where Picard becomes obsessed with helping his counterpart develop a sense of morality. Contains rape and torture (mostly Mirror Picard on Mirror Troi), and consensual slash. P/Q, P/Mirror!P, Mirror!P/Q." [1]

Author's Notes

First the disclaimers. Paramount owns these characters and this universe. I got the idea from a story by Diane Duane, but I'm not making any money off it. This story contains non-consensual sex, torture, and one scene of violent torture, but most of the sex is not at all graphic. You've been warned. If you're under 18, scram. P/P, P/T, P/C, T/C Q/AUP. Keep headers intact, please.

Next the thanks. Ruth Gifford got me started. We took the premise of an evil, hardhearted ISS Picard and asked ourselves, 'What would make him turn out that way?' Thinking, writing (and reading) about his formative years fleshed out his idiosyncracies so that he became a good deal more interesting to me than your standard cardboard bad guy. Thanks, hon.

Now the Intro. If you've read Dark Mirror by Diane Duane, this Picard needs no introduction. If you aren't familiar with her novel--and I strongly recommend it to you--it takes place in the mirror universe first introduced to us in TOS (Remember Spock in blue silk?). For convenience' sake, I refer to USS Picard as Jean-Luc and ISS Picard as Picard. Some things referred to, like Wesley almost killing Jean-Luc, are from incidents that occurred in Dark Mirror, but mostly I've tried not to encroach on her space. The A/U Picard is an all around rotten type of guy who tried take our Enterprise and got badly burned in the process. The A/U Deanna is a much more powerful telepath than our lovely Tits Troi and about a hundred times meaner. Their universe is a much harsher place and these are not nice people. Jean-Luc is a do-gooder who can't leave well enough alone, and Q... well, he's just Q, what can I say? And

thus begins the tale...
