The Atlantia

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Title: The Atlantia
Type: Newsletter/clubzine
Date(s): 1992-?
Fandom: Animanga
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The Atlantia was the newsletter of Atlantic Anime Alliance. Its first issue was published in 1992.


The East Coast was definitely representin' as we see from another 1992 zine, Atlantia, which is the offical news bulletin of the Atlantic Anime Alliance. What is it with fan clubs publishing "official" newsletters? Was somebody out there printing unofficial newsletters? Judging from the editorial in this issue the AAA seemed to be made up of New Jersey area fans determined to become the focal point of anime fandom on the east coast. Let me know how that's working out, guys. A big 3X3 Eyes article by the late Steve Pearl, an article about the AnimEigo Bubblegum Crisis releases and a synopsis of Ranma 1/2 "Get Back The Brides" rounds out the issue.

Dave Merrill for let's anime: "anime zines of the 1990's" (2009)