The Ancestors (Homestuck)

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Character Group
Name: The Ancestors
Fandom: Homestuck
Members: The Handmaid, The Summoner, The Psionic, The Signless, The Disciple, The Dolorosa, Marquise Mindfang, The Expatriate, The Grand Highblood, Count Dualscar, The Empress
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The Ancestors are a group of aliens and side characters from the comic Homestuck. They are from a couple of time periods in the past of our main characters, and are read about and regarded by our main characters as a sort of "Historical Fiction". There are a few flashbacks and interludes to their time periods during the Homestuck webcomic.



Due to their status as less explored minor characters, they are often expanded upon in fanworks, especially fanfic. Because Alternia, especially in their era is carefully described as an oppressive empire (see the Hemospectrum), many works using their characters explore that, often including much Slavefic. There are also the standard fanfic tropes such as Slash, Femslash and Het. As of March 2023, there are 170 fics in the Troll Ancestors (Homestuck) tag on AO3 (though that tag is frequently not used for fan content of this grouping, and is often used for brief mentions). It is often more useful to search by the specific characters or ships. Using that, the "The Signless" tag alone has 1,600 works, and the Mindfang tag has ~700 works as of March 2023.

Notable Fanworks


