Tempus Fugit (Sentinel story)

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Sentinel Fanfiction
Title: Tempus Fugit
Author(s): Lemon Drop
Genre: slash
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: Tempus Fugit on AO3

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Tempus Fugit is a Jim/Blair story by Lemon Drop.

Reactions and Reviews

Time goes by as Jim and Blair discover they are in love. Along the way we learn a lot about the three characters whose lives intertwine: Naomi, Blair and Jim. We also learn a lot about any number of holidays as they celebrate everything from Beltane to Yom Kippur. This has to be the ultimate Naomi as mother-in-law story. She swoops in and pulls Jim into *her* tribe and he willingly goes. This is one of my all-time favorite stories to re-read. I hope you feel the same.[1]

I wouldn't consider my duties as a crack_van reccer complete were I not to point you towards one of the loveliest and most romantic stories out there, by perhaps one of the most lyrical authors the fandom is lucky to have.

"Tempus Fugit" is a gorgeous, lush piece of storytelling. I think of it as 'the holiday story,' because it's structured around an assortment of holidays - each section is headed by a date that works within (and then past) canon, as well as the name of the holiday - Bodhi Day, Candlemas, Rosh Hashanah, and, of course, Beltane.

What I love about it, what makes me want to coax you into sitting down and reading it right this minute, is the deep and almost overwhelming feel of the piece. Unlike many of my favorite fics, 'Tempus' features no shocking twists, no chases (car or otherwise), no huge horrible events.

What it's about is Jim Ellison, finding a way to believe and something to believe in. One scene in particular gets to me (and I realize this may be because of my own spiritual issues, but it's well written and worth mentioning nonetheless.) ... "Tempus" also features a nicely intertwined storyline of Naomi learning of Blair's death at the fountain, the grief it causes her and how she chooses to deal with it.

So many fans paint her as either the dumb hippie or the evil, malicious mother - I found it refreshing to read Lemon Drop's characterization. This Naomi is neither bad nor stupid; she's a woman who became a mother at perhaps too young an age, but that never lessened her bond with her son or her devotion to him.

Naomi, and, by extension, the reader, watches as Jim and Blair find comfort in and through one another. It's a tale of realization, a slice of life over the span of years spent together.

It's a gentle story, gently told. The author describes their falling in love --well, more than that, their realization that "we're in love, how could we not be in love?" -- so deftly and with such tenderness, it tightens my heart every time I read it.

If you couldn't tell, I adore this story. It's categorized as "romance," and I can't think of a better example of the genre.

Go, read now.[2]

This has always been one of my absolute favorite TS fics. It's just lovely.[3]

a long, meandering look at time measured off in holidays of various faiths, told by naomi and jim. covers a long stretch of jim and blair's relationship including the first time and quite a way after. very sweet, calm, peaceful; i found the holidays well-done and interesting but the end slow. [4]


  1. ^ 2010 Rec 50
  2. ^ 2004 comments at Crack Van
  3. ^ 2004 comments at Crack Van
  4. ^ Other (Sentinel) recs; archived link