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Title: Targets
Author(s): Dread Nought
Date(s): 2002
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
External Links: Targets, Side by Side Collection on AO3

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Targets is a Kirk/Spock story by Dread Nought. It is a companion piece to Arrows.

The art for this story in the print zine is by Lovin James T.: Title: "Bulls-Eye."

It was published online as part of the KSOF 2002 and then in the print zine Cyberdreams #2.


"Sequel to "Arrows". Kirk the seducer, despite his injury, gets his man."

Reactions and Reviews

These two companion pieces [the other is "Arrows"] are also very well written. The “Cyberdreams” series of zines seems to specialise in these paired stories and this is one of the most enjoyable ones I have seen so far.

The first part “Arrows” depicts Spock searching for Kirk who has gone missing while on a landing party mission, and finally finding him in a remote area of woodland, suffering from two arrow wounds in his leg. Initially told from Kirk’s point of view, the write then effortlessly switches to Spock’s point of view as he searches for and finally locates the Captain. Unable to return to the ship that night, it depicts in a very nice way the Vulcan showing his feelings as he takes care of Kirk, who, in his delirious state, reveals more than he might consider expedient to Spock about his previously hidden feelings for the Vulcan.

Spock’s surprise and initial confusion at this revelation are very well portrayed as are his thoughts as he wonders if Kirk knows what he is saying or if it is just a result of his physical state of debilitation talking. One thing which this particular author does very well is capturing Spock’s thoughts as he ponders what Kirk said, I could really hear his voice as I read which I think must be quite difficult to do. This confusion continues into the second story “Targets” which takes place next day as they finally return to the ship and Spock contemplates what he should do about the information which Kirk has unexpectedly revealed to him when his defences were low as a result of pain and medication. The way in which this author depicts Spock’s attempts to logically analyse human emotions is very good, spot on I fact, I could almost hear Spock’s voice as he tries to reason out whether or not Kirk meant what he said at an unusually vulnerable moment.

Kirk’s stubbornness is well drawn as well as he refuses to leave the planet on a stretcher, disregarding McCoy’s advice and insisting he must be seen to leave on his own two feet so as not to destroy the hard won respect of the natives of this planet. The final conclusion of the story takes place some time later as Spock pays Kirk a visit and they finally discuss what has happened on the planet, which results in a very sensuous conclusion which I thoroughly enjoyed.[1]

This is sort of an analytical account of a first time. I would have liked more emotion, but that’s just my own taste and sometimes just the mood I’m in. The author managed to switch among Kirk’s, Spock’s and McCoy’s viewpoints with ease—a difficult task. I was never in doubt as to whose thoughts I was following. Kirk and Spock are appropriately understanding and sensitive to each other’s needs and I like that approach. It’s always interesting to me to see how McCoy perceives the changes in their demeanor as they fall in love. He doesn’t admit he knows that’s what is happening, but McCoy doesn’t miss much. ART accompanying “Targets”: Whew! I do cga’s myself and am in awe of how LJT managed to make this very explicit picture so realistic. Talk about your difficult angles! Well done, for sure, and perfectly in tune with the story it illustrates. Hearing about Kirk doing this to Spock is one thing but seeing is, well....another! [2]


  1. ^ The K/S Press #131
  2. ^ The K/S Press #105