Talk:You're Pretty Good Looking (For A Girl)

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I don't feel comfortable making serious edits on this page because I'm not in the fandom at all, but I do think this needs more contextualising - I'm assuming it was posted on livejournal, therefore as part of the SGA fan community that resides largely on LJ. It's worth pointing that out, I think, if that's the background the claim that it's the first is being drawn from.

In minor edits here have also expanded the date (the MM-DD-YYYY is not international-friendly, spelling out months is your friend!) and done things like specifying what fandom it is for. Please write fanworks pages with the assumption that most people reading them *won't* have the fandom context (e.g. i have no idea what Duet is - episode? fanfic? - and using the full name of the fandom instead of the acronym is always good practice too).

--Hope 12:35, 11 October 2008 (UTC)

Er, in the episode Duet Rodney doesn't change or switch bodies, he shares his with Cadman for a while. I'm not 100% certain about the story details, but iirc, there is a body swap machine in that story. Rodney and Cadman get switched as do Sheppard and Radek, hoever they can't switch the former back because of the previous stuff that happened in Duet.--Ratcreature 14:16, 11 October 2008 (UTC)