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I've never heard this term before. (Not a problem; I don't seek out het and there are no doubt plenty of pairing terms that I've never run into.) Does it include (the possibility of) Fred/George as a pairing? Or is it strictly het, and those two couples only?

Seconding what Elfwreck said. Does this include slash, femslash and incest pairings or is it just het of the uncontroversial kind? *is curious* --Doro 20:24, 22 January 2010 (UTC)
When I was in HP fandom, it usually meant only het an 'uncontroversial' ships. But that might have changed. Yvi 20:29, 22 January 2010 (UTC)
I have never seen this used for anything with Weasley-cest. And usually not slash or femslash either. I was my impression that it was canon-ships with an emphasis on a happy extended Weasley-clan. Not for Weasleys doing it with each other.--RatCreature 21:35, 22 January 2010 (UTC)