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Are you sure MSR is short for Mulder Scully Relationship? I thought it meant Mulder/Scully Romance.--Doro 19:19, 16 October 2008 (UTC)

Hum, you have planted a seed of doubt in my mind! Urban dictionary seems to agree with you, but I've found multiple other examples, including Wikipedia, where MSRelationship is more commonly used. I think we could probably edit the article to include both meanings.--Xenakis 19:37, 16 October 2008 (UTC)
Wikipedia isn't a fannish site, though, and I wouldn't grant them authority with regard to fannish terms. I checked the comprehensive Fan Fiction Glossary (What happened? Why can I access only via wayback? It was fine a few months ago), an old Glossary of Terms used in Fan Fiction Categorization(X-Files) (1999), the NOROMO Values: Commonly Used Terms (~1999) and another random Fan Glossary - they all say MSR = Mulder/Scully Romance.--Doro 20:43, 16 October 2008 (UTC)
Thanks for the thorough research! I edited the page. Also, I tried to access the Subreality page too and couldn't. I think it went down pretty recently. Do you think we should bring that up as a possible project for Open Doors? That site was a pretty important resource in fandom for a long time.--Xenakis 23:20, 16 October 2008 (UTC)
Thanks. :) Btw, I checked the definition at the Urban Dictionary because you mentioned it and it makes kind of sense, even if I don't know whether it's true. It defines MSR as Mulder/Scully Romance but says that in the later series MSR could be applied to the actual relationship on the show as well. That would explain where the "relationship" in MSR came from and why all the sites that use it as meaning "relationship" seem to be relatively new. By the time Mulder/Scully became canon I wasn't in the fandom anymore, therefore I can't verify the other meaning. (PS: signed my other comment)--Doro 20:43, 16 October 2008 (UTC)
I don't know about Subreality. I hope it's a temporary thing. :( If it's permanent, Open Doors would be a good idea. --Doro 20:43, 16 October 2008 (UTC)
I know it as "Romance" too. --Dora 19:53, 16 October 2008 (UTC)