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Elf has a pretty good list of links. If we have time, it would help to pull out a pertinent quote from each one, and order them by date, as she's done, and add some sort of summary. What can we do to ensure PPoV on this one? Cesy 12:18, 7 July 2011 (UTC)

I would say we should quote Keith Mander extensively, and not just the lolarious quotes, but the ones where he states his intentions. There's also the opportunity to quote some of the commenters on his blog who are not in fandom. Also there's a post on LJ, one of Esteliel's(sp?) I think, where the former owner, Adora, comments, so that should likely be quoted too. --facetofcathy 14:29, 7 July 2011 (UTC)
I did some basic quoting of him, and will add Adora in after sleep :). However, there's a problem with citing comments in his blog -- no permalinks, which is kind of humorous in it's own way. Feel free to work on it, however! I just felt like it was important for Fanlore to have a running record of this -- I'm also trying to do cached bookmarks with Diigo, and will work on getting the shared WebCite account up for people to use. (ETA: It looks like you need an email to get a bookmarklet.) --Awils1 16:32, 7 July 2011 (UTC)