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Needs more fandom?

Added fanworks. FYI, I consider fan translations and fan communities to be a part of fandom, so I don't think the 'needs more fandom' banner applied in the first place. It certainly doesn't apply now. -the old briar pipe 17:59, 26 October 2012 (UTC)

I've been trying to decrease the stubs heap (which doesn't appear to encourage people to work on articles) by relabelling shorter or incomplete articles that are not obvious stubs with the various other available tags. Fan translation & fannish comms are both clearly fannish activities, nevertheless the article seemed to be missing some fannish content; perhaps ExpandArticle would have been a better tag? The NeedsMoreFandom wording is a bit pejorative.
Anyway, this version is great! Thanks. I've removed the NeedsMoreFandom tag -- feel free to do this yourself, of course. Cheers, Espresso Addict 18:37, 26 October 2012 (UTC)
Ah, that makes more sense. Thank you for clarifying! I apologize for my tone - the Needs More Fandom argument has often been (pejoratively) used in the past to indicate that a page was full of info about the canon with very little reference to the fandom, and I hadn't thought the balance here was that bad. :D ExpandArticle does sound more applicable, although there isn't much to expand in this case. The English-language fandom straddles the line between miniscule and tiny. Alas! -the old briar pipe 21:59, 26 October 2012 (UTC)
The tags have been breeding... I believe the old NeedsMoreFandom tag has been split into this one, and the three-line-whip version which calls for removal of excessive trivial canon info; however it looks like the wording hasn't been differentiated sufficiently -- thanks for pointing it out. Also we have a new ExpandArticle tag, which is very nifty. Espresso Addict 22:07, 26 October 2012 (UTC)