Sword of the Jedi

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Title: Sword of the Jedi
Author(s): diasterisms
Date(s): 13 January 2016 to 29 May 2017
Length: 229,765
Genre(s): Het
Fandom(s): Star Wars
External Links: AO3:

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Sword of the Jedi is a duology of Star Wars fanfics (Like Young Gods and To Kingdom Come) by diasterisms.

Reactions and Reviews

[cries in ‘growing up together’ with a side of ‘Jedi Academy Reylo’] diasterisms is a genius. We all know this. This series is everything I want & need teen Ben & Rey to be. The attention to the detail, the perfect use of canon and EU elements, the scope of the story, the way their relationship evolves & matures…. *chef kiss* Prepare for the ending of the first part to break your heart (…second part will slowly put it back together).[1]

I will be remiss if I don’t call out said two works I reviewed: Like Young Gods and To Kingdom Come, together the Sword of the Jedi series by diasterisms. Not a hidden gem by any means–might actually be the most popular thing out there–but considering that the Jedi Academy books tie for tops in the Star Wars EU for me (other than Mara Jade books, RIP), it’s not a surprise I fell head over heels for this well done, in-canon work that gave! Rey! a! proper! arc! and delved into why someone would fall and had some frickity frack as well.[2]

I can’t believe how long it took me to get around reading “Like Young Gods.” I feel like if the Reylo fandom has its own sacred texts, this story has to be one of them.

LYG was like, epic, in the truest sense. I felt like I was reading Lewis or Tolkien in the feel of the battle scenes with fantastical creatures like tuk’atas and leviathans, in a showdown of good versus evil. I loved how the writer wove the canon story of Ben Solo’s fall to the dark side and this felt seamless to the story of The Force Awakens.

Diasterisms’ knowledge of extended universe characters, Sith language and lore, and the galactic planets just blew me away.

Unlike a lot of the fic I read, this one was a very slow burn... I thought snuggles, gentle little kisses and piggyback rides rendered a playful element to the central relationship, which was appropriate because the characters of Rey and Ben Solo grew up together, with 9 years difference in their ages. The way it was written was not at all creepy and its hints at Rey’s growing physical awareness of Ben was totally on point.

It was a really emotional read for me.... and will stay with me for a long time.[3]

Fan works

