Surrendering the Game

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Title: Surrendering the Game
Author(s): JS Cavalcante
Date(s): 1993
Genre(s): slash
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Surrendering the Game is a K/S story by JS Cavalcante.

It was published in the print zines As I Do Thee #19.


"During one of many late-night chess games, emotions hidden even from Kirk himself reveal themselves at the brush of Spock's hand."

Reactions and Reviews


Good Star Trek. The mission on Rigel 6, finding the Actra. Spock missing for a month. When he returned, Kirk commended him as captain but is irritated with him as friend, as he risked hie life and put Kirk through hell. Nice scene, when Spock sensed Kirk's caring through inadvertent touch of hands. He asked for Kirk's hand again and sees Kirk's desire. Really sweet scene, Spock's reactions (be open and honest) and Kirk's feeling humiliated at his passions being revealed. Very, very nice, and feels "realistic" (i.e., Spock exactly as I would have him be!). Lovely interchanges. Good poetic and good writing. Good mind-link images. [1]
