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Title: Subaudition
Author(s): torch
Date(s): 1998
Length: 3,800 words
Genre(s): slash fanfiction
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Subaudition (the flambeau factory)

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Subaudition is Mulder/Skinner slash story by torch. It was written for and originally published in the IIBNF Press zine Double eXposure. Some very small revisions have been made for the online version.

Summary: Mulder can't sleep. Skinner wakes up. Sometimes it's hard to tell what brings two people together, and what holds them together.

Recs and Reviews

Teetering on the edge of consent, or maybe as close to consent as some of these guys can get ## XF: torch asks the most interesting questions about consent. In Subaudition, maybe Mulder and Skinner are both just doing what they have to do.[1]
