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Strict Protein Diet

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Title: Strict Protein Diet
Author(s): Predatrix
Date(s): 2002
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
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Strict Protein Diet is a Blake/Avon Blake's 7 story by Predatrix.

It was originally printed in the zine Fire and Ice #7.

Reactions and Reviews

This was originally going to be for "I, Mutoid" but missed the deadline. The mutoid is a "private unit" created to give sexual pleasure: Vila gives it to Avon as a present (and the only thing I really object to in this whole story is the notion that Vila can't spell "happy birthday"). Again what sounds funny has a serious side; the mutoid has feelings and this is a story about the moral issues of science and slavery rather than who's sleeping with whom. (But they are. Often.) [1]

A look at Blake and Avon's ethics and morals via an encounter with a mutoid that's been programmed for sex. Features numerous sex scenes. Remarkably, each scene shows us something different about how Blake and Avon relate to each other and none seem gratuitous. This is one of Predatrix's more serious stories, but it still shows her wicked sense of humour and her affection for both Avon and Blake.[2]

I thought I'd finished this fic while I was about half way through it, but it just kept going on and on. Admittedly, much like 'Groundhog Lay', 'Strict Protein Diet' is a good time, so I shouldn't complain. But I do wonder whether we needed quite so many sex scenes (I know - my priorities. I don't understand). I really like all the ethics about mutoids business. It's very well done. As is the sex... there's just a lot of it.[3]
