Stories...For The Song

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Title: Stories...For The Song
Publisher: Shaunshine
Editor(s): HardyGirl?
Date(s): before 2001?
Medium: print
Size: 81 pages
Fandom: Shaun Cassidy
Language: English
External Links:
Stories For The Song.jpg
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Stories...For The Song was the second Shaun Cassidy zine published by Shaunshine.

Have you ever noticed how some of Shaun's songs tell a story? This fanzine takes 4 of Shaun's greatest songs and builds on the stories they tell! Featured songs include Break For The Street, Are You Afraid Of Me?, One More Night Of Your Love, and Memory Girl. 81 pages.

Cost: $14 plus shipping. Proceeds will be donated to



1. The Many Faces Of Shaun Cassidy

2. Stories...For The Song

3. Shadow Of The Mind's Eye