Shadow Of The Mind's Eye

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Title: Shadow Of The Mind's Eye
Publisher: Shaunshine
Editor(s): HardyGirl?
Date(s): January? 2003
Medium: print
Size: 33 pages
Fandom: The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries
Language: English
External Links:
Shadow Of The Mind's Eye.jpg
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Shadow Of The Mind's Eye was the third Shaun Cassidy-centered zine published by Shaunshine to raise money for Copies sold for 10.50 USD. It was the first single-fiction zine by the publisher and featured The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries fanfiction. [1]


Shadow Of The Mind's Eye

(A Hardy Boys Adventure)

Frank and Joe meet up with their old friend, Stacey Blane, a young woman with unique psychic powers who has a fascination with all this supernatural. Now the trio are in New York City on the track of a serial killer! This is the most dangerous case the Hardys have ever been involved in! Will they be successful in stopping this madman? 33 pages. Cost: $10.50 plus shipping (cost will go down the more copies are sold!) Proceeds will be donated to Kids'

(This fanzine is an amateur publication and is not intended to infringe upon the rights of the Stratmeyer Syndicate (Hardy Boys Books) or Glen Larsen Productions (Hardy Boys Mysteries T.V. Series)

WARNING! This fanzine contains some graphic material and is not intended for younger readers!


1. The Many Faces Of Shaun Cassidy

2. Stories...For The Song

3. Shadow Of The Mind's Eye
