Star Trek Association of Towson

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Fan Club
Name: Star Trek Association of Towson
Dates: 1978-present
Country based in: Baltimore, Maryland, US
Focus: Star Trek
External Links: About, Archived version
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Star Trek Association of Towson is a Star Trek fan club.

a 1987 flyer

It is the founder of the long-running Shore Leave.

It also published Galactic 911.

An Early Description of the Club

From 1980:

WHAT'S A STaT? The Star Trek Association of Towson, founded in 1978 (A.D. we think) is precisely what it makes itself out to be - a Star Trek fan club. The membership consists mostly of humans - so far - from many different backgrounds and occupations, the majority of which does not limit themselves to ST, but have side interests in many other aspects of SF, media SF, fantasy, horror, etc. From soup to NUTS. The club welcomes new members -preferably 18 years of older but not necessarily human. Meetings are held at noon every first Saturday of the month at the Towson Branch of The Baltimore County Public Library. We meet in the Wilson Room of the library, which is located at York Road and Chesapeake Ave. Yearly dues are $6.00. [1]

From 1994:

membership: $15/year (includes subscription to "Galactic 911") (membership requires at least 1/3 attendance at meetings in Baltimore, and you're not required to pay until your 3rd meeting. So don't send any money in advance, instead write/call/email for info on the next meeting) -- subscription to "Galactic 911" only: $9/year. [2]

A description of the club in 2017:

The Star Trek Association of Towson, Inc. (STAT) is a Science Fiction fan organization founded in 1978 by approximately ten people who shared an interest in Star Trek. A year later, they held the first Shore Leave Convention, which attracted even more Star Trek enthusiasts to their group. The club grew.

As time went on the interests of the club expanded to include the promotion of not only Star Trek, but also of science fact and other areas of science fiction. Today, STAT has approximately fifty members residing primarily in the Baltimore-Washington DC corridor, but also including members in other parts of the mid-Atlantic region.

Past club activities have included costumed visits to local hospital pediatric units, visits to libraries and schools to promote literacy, participation in the Towson 4th of July Parade and pre-parade entertainment. Our current major activity of course, is holding our annual Shore Leave Convention each year.

The club’s charitable projects include an annual Blood Drive for the Red Cross, Food Drives for the Maryland Food Bank, as well as the Marine’s Toys for Tots. STAT itself has become an example of IDIC in action — Infinitely Diverse people Infinitely Combined by their love of Star Trek, science, and science fiction.

Our membership is composed of many individuals practicing varied professions and careers, including, among others, school teachers, social and political scientists, astronomers, biologists, chemists, ecologists, psychologists, nurses, paramedics, public safety and law enforcement representatives, computer experts, writers, artists, secretaries, and clerical personnel, and representatives of business and management. The individual STAT members participating in our charitable projects and Shore Leave Convention serve as an all-volunteer staff. No individual STAT member receives personal profit from any STAT/Shore Leave activity. [3]

Club Activities



  1. ^ from the Shore Leave 1980 program book
  2. ^ from Star Trek Fan Club List (Sep 19, 1994)
  3. ^ About, Archived version, accessed September 2017