Star-Spangled Night

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Title: Star-Spangled Night
Author(s): Jungle Kitty
Date(s): 1997
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
External Links: here

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Star-Spangled Night is an Kirk/Brandt story by Jungle Kitty.

Author's Notes

"I don't know how to describe this one. If you've enjoyed the other Kirk/Brandt stories, read it."


  • 1997 ASC -- Best Kirk/female Story

Reactions and Reviews

This is the story that first grabbed my attention in the Kirk/Brandt series, and, Whoa, Nellie!, is it ever *hot*! I defy anyone to read this and not come away from it ready either to jump their partner or take a cold shower -- or take a shower *with* their partner. It's...hoo boy!...words fail me in trying to convey just how steamy this one is. Do yourself a favor, and just go read it, OK? Thanks for this one, JungleKitty! [1]


  1. ^ alt.startrek.creative, February 1998