Spock's Mission

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Star Trek TOS Fanfiction
Title: Spock's Mission
Author(s): Jacqueline Lichtenberg
Date(s): 1973
Genre: gen
Fandom: Star Trek: The Original Series
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Spock's Mission is a 1973 Star Trek: TOS story by Jacqueline Lichtenberg.

It was published in Kraith Collected #1 (1973).



Spock's father, missing and presumed dead, is located in Romulan space. Assisted by Lt. Tanya Minos, a human educated on Vulcan and serving as interpreter for the Medusan navigator Thilien, Kirk and Spock prepare to rescue Sarek.

Reactions and Reviews

One of her most lyrical pieces, Spock's Mission, details Kirk, Spock and McCoy's sojourn on the planet Vulcan, staying with Amanda at Spock's family's ancestral home; here she let her imagination roam with her theories and gave an indication of what she may later create, since Kraith is by no means finished).[1]
