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Title: Spin
Author(s): DBKate and Te
Genre(s): Mulder/Scully
Fandom(s): The X-Files
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Spin is an X-Files story by DBKate and Te.

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Summer has descended upon us like a plague of cicadas from hell, making that horribly familiar buzzing sound so many of us have grown to dread.

(Kinda like a swarm of bees...) The movie is over, there's a long barren stretch of repeats ahead of us, FOUR MONTHS of them, until the next new episode, and we are starting to bite at our own tails like Scully's "I'm on your back" tattoo. But take heart, fellow fanfickers: it's times like these when the community draws together and shows some of its finest qualities. Some of the most brilliant and creative fiction I've ever seen on the group has been cropping up in the past few weeks, and I'm only sorry I don't have the scope or ability to deal with it all here. All I can say is, the desert is blooming; there are flowers on every cactus, and not a stalk of corn anywhere in sight, except for the corny turn this metaphor has taken.

In the middle of all this burning emptiness, of course, is the ultimate fool's paradise: Vegas! Hell's Cocktail Lounge, according to DBKate at [email protected] and our old friend Te, at [email protected], in their latest literary equivalent to viagra, "Spin."

By now I won't even bore you with my standard disclaimer for slash; I'll just quote:

"Before Mulder knew it, the coins were dropping and the buttons were being slapped by two fingers; then by his whole hand. He tried to play with timing, then with intuition; then debated calling the Psychic Hotline for outside help. The money, along with everything else, disappeared, and his world became a whirl of numbers and cartoon fruit, coming to precise, shuddering stops in all the wrong places."

Never mind that these authors make me feel vague envy for a slot machine-- is this section a perfect description of the relationship between Mulder and Scully or what? I know, I know, it's Krycek who evokes such incredibly sensual, lush imagery here, such raw, hungry passion. It all climaxes...I mean, it all comes together....that is... there's a scene in a limo that will curl your toes right up to your ankles and fog your contact lenses, in the middle of which suddenly, inexplicably, perfectly, Mulder notices a tree...

Lovely story, dead on accuracy and insider knowledge of the workings of the casinos and their trade. If you like the story even half as much as I did, write 'em and extol the virtues of MSR...then again, maybe the "virtues" of MSR are what brought them to M/K in the first place...[1]


  1. ^ Feast of Fanfic 07 by jordan (Jun 29, 1998)