Michelle Jones/Peter Parker

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Pairing: Michelle Jones/Peter Parker
Alternative name(s): Peter/MJ, Spideychelle
Gender category: Het
Fandom: Spider-Man: Homecoming, Marvel Cinematic Universe
Canonical?: canon
Prevalence: high
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Michelle Jones/Peter Parker, also known as Peter/MJ or Spideychelle, is a canon het pairing in the Spider-Man: Homecoming fandom and the wider Marvel Cinematic Universe. It came into being following the release of Spider-Man: Homecoming and the popular fan reception of the character Michelle Jones, played by actress Zendaya.

Although the Michelle/Peter ship is currently not officially canon, many fans speculate that it will be, due to Michelle's statement in the film that her nickname is MJ, and the confirmation by producers that her character is an homage to Mary Jane Watson.[1]


Michelle and Peter are classmates at Midtown Tech, the prestigious high school which Peter Parker attends in Spider-Man: Homecoming, and teammates on the Academic Decathlon team. They are shown to be at least acquaintances, if not friends, with Michelle sitting at the same table as Peter and his best friend Ned Leeds at lunch, claiming that she sits with them because she "doesn't have any friends".

The two share relatively little screen time, but Michelle is shown to have a (possibly romantic) interest in Peter early on, commenting that he has dropped out of two of his extra-curricular activities (although she claims that she is "not obsessed with him, just very observant"). They also interact while Peter is in costume as Spider-Man, directly before he saves the rest of the Decathlon team from the crumbling Washington Monument.

In one of the final scenes of the film, Michelle presses Peter about what he is "hiding", before giving him a long look as he rushes off, in an exchange which has prompted many fanworks creators to speculate that Michelle knows about, or will soon work out, Peter's secret identity. [See: MJ knows in Fanworks & Popular Tropes]


Fanworks & Popular Tropes


  • Social justice: MJ is established in the film as a socially aware activist who is unafraid to call other people out over issues of politics or social justice (such as her comments about the Washington Monument being built by slaves), and fics frequently reference this trait, for example in her choice of reading matter, bedroom decorations, or via her internal narration.
  • MJ knows: Many fic writers run with the premise that MJ knows, or works out, Peter's secret identity due to her established observant nature (or possible obsession with Peter) and her high intelligence. In fanworks where Peter doesn't know that she knows, this results in an interesting inversion of the usual superhero trope where the hero hides their identity from the love interest.
Fanfics which feature this trope include:
It’s junior year, but her SATs are the least of her worries. She’s the captain of the decathlon team and her star player is always skipping meetings with covers worse than whatever he uses to hide the scrapes and bruises he comes back with.
  • Sketching: In reference to a scene in which MJ states that she "sketches people in crisis", sketching is frequently one of MJ's hobbies in fic, and she often sketches Peter.
Fanfics which feature this trope include:
  • Drawing by JohnAlpaqa Set after action of the movies, Michelle and Peter are dating for some time, I think they are 17 or something in this fic. Michelle draws her boyfriend.
  • cramps by gingergenower Tylenol’s not even dented the pain. This was supposed to be a date. This was supposed to be fun. Fuck everything.
  • MJ Doesn't Need Rescuing: In an inversion of the classic "damsel in distress" trope (which was particularly prevalent in the previous Sam Raimi Trilogy with Mary Jane Watson), MJ is frequently shown to be capable of getting herself out of dangerous situations (despite what Peter may believe), and even rescues Peter instead. She is usually depicted carrying pepper spray as a means of self-defence.
Fanfics which feature this trope include:
She's very observant, she notices these things, stacks them away, carefully adding and organizing information, fitting together tiny pieces of a cosmic puzzle. She's not obsessed with him. She just notices things.
(Well, she is a little obsessed with him which is the root of this whole problem.)
  • Panic attacks/Peter has PTSD: Peter is often depicted as suffering from claustrophobia, panic attacks or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder as a result of the events of Spider-Man: Homecoming, during which he is almost crushed underneath a collapsing building. Peter's panic attacks, nightmares and trauma from the experience are frequently the subject of hurt/comfort fanfics.
Fanfics which feature this trope include:
  • heartstrings by drewgon Peter is good at a lot of things. Honesty, emotions, asking for help -- none of those make the list.
(Alternatively: three weirdos hang out in the morning before SATs.)
Or, a series of events where Peter deals with nightmares and flashbacks and the all-important question of what it means to be fifteen. (Pre-relationship, but the sequel fifteen, i'm alright with you is full Peter/MJ)


Mood Boards/Aesthetics


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  1. ^ Marvel producers reveal the truth about Zendaya’s name in ‘Spider-Man: Homecoming’, The Daily Dot, published 10 July 2017 (Accessed 22 July 2017).