Spic and Span

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Title: Spic and Span
Author(s): Arrow
Date(s): 2011
Length: 2,559 words
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Due South
Relationship(s): Fraser/Kowalski
External Links: online here

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Spic and Span is a Benton Fraser/Ray Kowalski story by Arrow.

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Let me tell you a cautionary tale about Spic and Span.

You know that awkward moment when you're half idly reading some fanfic on your phone, half paying attention to a conversation with your mother in law about the economic crisis in Spain (I have small children, and if nothing else I can multi-task in two languages like a BOSS), when suddenly the fic you are reading turns out to be scorchingly, brain-meltingly hot? These are the circumstances under which I discovered this fic. Possibly I should have read the description first, which is "It involves a giant, sparkly blue dildo. And Fraser's ass." But I didn't. I just jumped right in there, and once I'd started I could hardly stop reading and wait for a more appropriate moment, could I? Instead I had to take my jumper off and give thanks for being a girl that there was no outward physical sign of what I'd just read.

So. Read wisely. I make these mistakes so you don't have to. [1]


  1. ^ 2013 rec by Deputychairman at Crack Van