Space Fanzine Yamato

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Title: Space Fanzine Yamato
Editor(s): Steve Harrison & Ardith Carlton & Jerry Fellows
Date(s): February 1983
Medium: print
Fandom: anime
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Space Fanzine Yamato is a gen resource meant to be the ultimate information source for Space Battleship Yamato and Star Blazers.

"This is the first American fan effort to produce a 'Roman Album', Archived version style complete guide to a particular anime title." - from "Watching Anime, Reading Manga: 25 Years of Essays and Reviews" by Fred Patten.


During our time together, Ardith made mention of how she was getting upset with the producer of the Star Blazers Fan Club newsletter. It seemed that the editorial habit was to take Ardith’s carefully constructed reports from Japan (she WAS going to school in Ann Arbor for Journalism, after all) and rewrite them, taking credit for her work, her knowledge. There were articles and reviews that she DID get a byline on, but all the news that the newsletter reported came from her, uncredited, and it bothered her.


So, production costs: approximately $218 for 100 copies. MSRP of the ‘zine was $3.00. First printing was sold out by March 1983. Not too shabby. Did a second printing due to demand, sold THAT out just as quickly.


Oh yeah, the Offical Bootleg. After the initial two press runs, I was contacted by Derek Wakefield of the Texas Earth Defense Command STAR BLAZERS fan organization. He wanted to know if they could do a print run of SFY for their members. Seems there was a great deal of upset that copies were not available. So I figured as long as it was marked as a reprint, go ahead, it was for a good cause. One of the reasons I agreed was I had heard that someone out there was actually duplicating a copy and selling them for something like $6 each! Good lord, what a bizarre mixed feeling THAT caused!

Then there was seeing a copy sitting in a showcase at a comic shop in Battle Creek, in mylar, with a $20 sticker on it. I nearly busted my sides laughing.

SPACE FANZINE YAMATO: THE UNTOLD STORY -- Steve Harrison, 2008, for Let's Anime
