Something Borrowed, Something Blue (J2 story)

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Title: Something Borrowed, Something Blue
Author(s): belyste
Date(s): June 2008
Length: ~38,000 words (written) - 3:13 hrs (podfic)
Genre(s): RPS, AU
Fandom(s): J2
External Links: online here; podfic (Audiofic Archive)
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Something Borrowed, Something Blue is a Supernatural J2 AU story written by belyste. The story was written in 2008 as part of the SPN/CW RPS Romantic Comedies Challenge hosted in the abouttwoboys LJ community. This story manages to combine Pretend Couple with a Based on a Movie fusion and hookerfic. It is one of three J2 AUs based on the movie "The Wedding Date."

The series was included on the sawedoff recs LJ community's final recommendation post. The 3-hour podfic by maryaminx was posted on the Audiofic Archive in December 2009.


Author's Summary: "When Jared desperately needs a date for his brother's wedding, he hires an escort. Jensen's the perfect fake boyfriend, except pretty soon things get a little too real. Based on The Wedding Date."

Fandom Reactions

"An all-time favorite because it's such a fun trope -- fake boyfriends. I love the idea of acting until it's true. belysteRN is one of my favorite writers period and she writes these boys effortlessly -- the love, sex, banter, intimacy, awkwardness -- all of it."[1]

"When Jared gets the invitation to Jeff’s wedding, it’s no surprise. But when Jeff calls to tell him Chad’s going to be the best man, it really is a surprise, and not of the good kind. So when faced with the decision of whether or not to take someone, Jared knows he needs to have someone there, just to prove to Chad he’s finally over him. The problem being, he doesn’t have anyone to take, which is how he ends up hiring Jensen.

All right, I’ll be the first to admit that I really didn’t care for “The Wedding Date.” The jokes were corny, Dermot Mulroney’s character was a jerk, and the plot was completely unbelievable. Which is why it’s so unbelievable that this story is really very good.

Jensen and Jared’s natural chemistry is exactly what the movie was lacking. Jared’s interactions with his family are heart-warming. The plot is at least marginally more believable than the movie plot. All in all, this makes for a sweet little movie AU fic."[2]

"I love long plotty fics, and this satisfied me so much! Like one commenter said, some authors tend to end the fic after the really good sex, but don't have a satisfying resolution to the problem. There were no issues with that in this fic, just perfectly wonderful and satisfying characterization, plot, setting - everything. This fic made me smile and laugh and be really happy with life even after I stopped reading."[3]

" I'll admit that the movie this is based off wasn't really my thing, but this fic is absolutely beautiful from start to finish. I didn't want it to end!"[4]

"This one is SO PERFECT and SO SCHMOOPY and not a re-telling of the movie. YAY."[5]

"Ok, so I knew before I even read this that I would love it. I've enjoyed everything of yours that I've read so far, after all. But seriously, this was even better than I had been expecting. It was cute, sweet, and so very funny. I love the little moments that make me laugh, like Jared and Jensen's banter during the first dinner with Jared's parents, the battle between Jared and Megan over Jensen at the picnic, and, of course, the 'who leads' at the reception. It's been awhile since I've seen the movie, but this was just too perfect."[6]

"One of my very favourite things is that you didn't 'fade to black' once they confessed their love and had the sexin'. I love the last scene you tacked on to the end because talking about the issues and making the plans for the future is the best way to finish a fic, in my opinion. I sometimes get disappointed when I slog through a fic to find at the end that sex makes everything better and they don't discuss what the real life problems will be. You hit one of my biggest kinks with that and I can't thank you enough. This is going straight into my saved fics and marked as one to re-read ASAP. You have succeeded yet again in providing another glorious schmoopy bubble of fantasticness for me to read! Thank you very, VERY much!"[7]

" had me at midget zombies, of course." [8]

"This fic is one of the top 'j2' fics on delicious, that how I found it. It was so awesome!! Keyboard-smash-worthingly awesome!


I laughed so much sometimes that I had to stop reading and, like, feel the wood of table or pour myself some tea. I can't even start describing how I enjoyed this story. Thank you ♥" [9]

"This is probably my number one reread fic. My friend and I sometimes talk about how if we had the ability to make one fic magically appear, it would be a Jensen POV of this fic. (Lack of ability to convey tone on the internet disclaimer: that was meant entirely as a compliment and not at all as a request. I just think it really illustrates how much we love this fic and how we think about what Jensen's thinking and seeing. This one time we tried to go through his thought process for knocking off some of the price on his going rate and it was glorious just to imagine.) I love all of your fics but I think this is my favorite! I think my favorite part is when Jared and Megan are competing over who would be the better boyfriend/girlfriend for Jensen."[10]

"That had to be the most completely delectable piece of virtual, dripping, caramelly chocolate in the history of the universe. I feel like I'm in love. *flaps* Thank you so, so, so MUCH for writing that in all its chick-flicky glory. This is definitely going in the re-read section."[11]

"I've never seen the film, so I can't say anything about how this fic interprets the film plot. This is the second of Belyste's stories in the top six, and this one is not quite as polished as the Harlequin fic, but it's still a fun story.....[snip]....Jensen is very confident and easy going in this story and that's contrasted to Jared's insecurities and doubts about himself. I liked that aspect of the story and it makes the central relationship interesting and gives the play-acting--the fact that being an escort or a sex worker is a kind of acting gets some welcome attention--a purpose beyond creating sexual tension. I enjoyed this on reread a lot more than I expected to. It's candy floss, but it's well-made candy floss."[12]


  1. ^ sawedoff recs LJ community's final recommendation post dated August 31, 2011; WebCite.
  2. ^ Review posted at epic-recs dated Dec 19, 2010; webCite.
  3. ^ Supernatural RPS: "Something Borrowed, Something Blue" [Jared/Jensen, NC-17] dated Feb 26, 2008; WebCite.
  4. ^ 127. 30,000+ words post at sawedoff-recs dated Nov 6, 2009; webCite.
  5. ^ Short and Sweet J2 Fic Rec List post on Tumblr dated Jan 13, 2013; WebCite.
  6. ^ comment on page 1 of the story post post dated February 17th, 2008; WebCite; (accessed April 16, 2013).
  7. ^ comment on page 1 of the story post post dated February 17th, 2008; WebCite; (accessed April 16, 2013).
  8. ^ comment on page 11 of the story post post dated February 17th, 2008; (accessed April 16, 2013)
  9. ^ comment on page 10 of the story post post dated February 17th, 2008; (accessed April 16, 2013).
  10. ^ comment on page 9 of the story post post dated February 17th, 2008; (accessed April 16, 2013)
  11. ^ comment on page 7 of the story post post dated February 17th, 2008; (accessed April 16, 2013)
  12. ^ The J2 Over 400 Club rec post dated Feb 27, 2011; reference link.