Slash Pictionary

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Synonyms: fannish pictionary
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Slash pictionary was invented by iibnf, and played at SinpOzium in 2005. There, china shop fell in love with the concept, and propagated it far and wide. In her words, "It's very porny, it's very silly, and it is the best fun ever!"

It is a Convention Game.

How it works

  1. You take a clue from the magic envelope of cluefulness. Clues are things like "Blair Sandburg dresses up as a girl and fucks Rodney McKay" or "Spike blows Zelenka in the back of a puddlejumper".
  2. You make marks on a whiteboard while people shout out things like, "It's an anal probe!" "No, no, it's a pizza!" "Oh! It's an FBI badge! It must be Mulder! Mulder!"
  3. You gesture wildly and point at people when they guess more-or-less the right things.
  4. Someone else takes a turn. Rinse, repeat.


  1. You're not allowed to say, "I can't draw." Drawing skills are irrelevant. Some of the best slash pictionary artistes in the history of the world have specialised in the stick-figure form! Seriously!
  2. There are no other rules.
  3. Oh, except that if you don't understand the clue (eg. it mentions characters from a fandom you're not familiar with, or you don't know what bukkake means) you can ask one other person to whisper explanations in your ear.

Specific occurrences

Slash pictionary was played at SinpOzium (Sydney, Australia), Muskrat Jamboree 2007 (Boston, U.S.A), Pacificon (aka Bitchin' Party; Seattle, U.S.A) and is a regular ice breaker at get/together, the annual slash mini-con in Wellington, New Zealand.


Clues often bring together unlikely crossovers or pairings, and are best when pornographic. china shop is widely castigated as evil for her cracked-out and impossible-to-draw clues.

Sample lists of clues