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Danielle: Slap in the Face

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Title: Danielle: Slap in the Face
Publisher: Halo Press
Cover Artist(s):
Date(s): 1980s
Medium: print
Genre: digest-sized
Fandom: The A-Team
Language: English
External Links:
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Danielle: Slap in the Face is a gen digest-sized A-Team novel containing 83 pages.

front cover
inside pages

From the zine:

It is also known as 'Danielle' for reasons which will become obvious... Thanks to: Please see previous issues; nothing's changed (except we're both a lot loonier now): If you haven't got those issues, WHY NOT!!!??? Reactions and comment to this would be appreciated. We aim to please, there's no point in producing this stuff otherwise (She means there's no money in it! There may be some typing errors, but we don't care. It was either that, or wait until domesday [sic] to get this 'zine out; and I'm sure none of you would have wanted that! (well, almost none of you...)

Sister Zines

Reactions and Reviews

  • Overall:7
  • Fiction:8
  • Artwork:5
  • Layout/editing:8

Favorite: (1) just one story, so I'll go with "Slap in the Face" because very original, and lots of Face!!  :)

Other comments:

(1) Got a little too long. I loved Murdock's sudden obsession with the rest of the team's sex life! Wasn't so sure I liked all the negative prejudices against country folk (hey, I am one! Kinda..) The twists were great. Decker's daughter! Oh my. [1]

One long story. Also known as DANIELLE. Definitely the best of the Halo Press Face-zines, although it could have used some proofreading and grammar work. Face gets sidetracked while on the way to meeting the team for a mission and ends up married(!) to Decker's troublesome scheming daughter(!) A fun read - but what's with that "grimy Philadelphia" crack?! [2]

I.M.O. it's an exceptionally good story, at least compared to the other A-Team zine stories I've read. Definitely worth checking out if you can find it. Not that the other stuff is necessarily bad, but [this is one] I especially enjoyed. Your Mileage May Vary. [3]
