Skip Beat!

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Name: Skip Beat!
Creator: Yoshiki Nakamura
Date(s): February 15, 2002 – ongoing (manga), October 5, 2008 – March 29, 2009 (anime)
Medium: manga, anime
Country of Origin: Japan
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Skip Beat! is a shoujo manga and anime. In 2011, there was a TWdrama adaptation [1] of Skip Beat! known as Extravagant Challenge. The adaptation gained some buzz at the two male leads were from the popular Kpop group, Super Junior.

Canon Overview

Kyoko, our heroine, joined Sho--her (only) childhood friend, and lifelong crush--when he ran away from home in order to become a singing superstar. She worked herself to the bone: held down two jobs, paid for Sho's living expenses, and all around babied him, because Kyoko believed that her own desires came a far second to Sho's happiness.

Besides, she reassured herself, even if she's unhappy now, eventually the Prince will claim his Princess and they'll live happily ever after.

Unfortunately for Kyoko, Sho is no Prince Charming. He is, in fact, a giant self-centered, arrogant jerk--a fact which Kyoko discovers during a painful and humiliating incident. She overhears a conversation between Sho and his manager wherein Sho admits that he thinks of Kyoko as nothing more than a housemaid. He doesn't care for her, and actually finds Kyoko plain, boring, and utterly lacking in sex-appeal.

Kyoko snaps. A Pandora's box of negative emotions is opened, and Kyoko is overwhelmed by the demons of hatred and revenge. She swears vengeance on Sho, who easily dismisses her threats; killing rage or not, Sho is a star, and Kyoko is a nobody. If she wants revenge, Sho tells Kyoko, join the business and try to reach his level. Impossible for *her,* Sho thinks, because Kyoko is too ordinary to ever make it in showbiz.

What Sho fails to take into account is the strength of Kyoko's grudge and her thirst for revenge. Whatever it takes, she decides, she'll join the business, shatter Sho's ego, and grind him to dust beneath her feet!

The Fandom

Skip Beat! is a small fandom, although the anime may see new fans discovering the series. Most fanfic is het, dominated by the Ren Tsuruga/Kyoko pairing, although there's a small showing of Sho/Kyoko fanworks as well.

There is almost no slash, despite the presence of various bishounen. Femslash is just as rare, even though Kyoko has intense relationships with various other female characters.

As of 2011, Skip Beat! continued to be eligible for Yuletide.


Notable Fanfic

Collections from KyokoRen week:

Notable Fanvids

Notable Fanart

