Sisters in Smut Interview with Jenni/Gypsy77

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Interviews by Fans
Title: Sisters in Smut Interview with Jenni/Gypsy77
Interviewer: Sisters in Smut
Interviewee: Jenni/Gypsy77
Date(s): 2001
Medium: online
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: Interview with Jenni/Gypsy77
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Sisters in Smut Interview with Jenni/Gypsy77 was conducted in 2001.

It was part of a large project conducted by members of the Sisters in Smut archive, an X-Files archive with a focus on the character Walter Skinner. See Sisters in Smut Interview Project.


What made you into a Skinneroticist?

The first time I saw Skinner.... He just demanded my attention....

What was your first experience with SIS?

The Caveat Emporium by Red Valerian... I found the site through the Gossomer index of sites read this one

and well... the rest is history....

When did you start writing?

Dec of 98' when I had read all that was out there.

Do you write for other fandoms? Which ones?

JAG, Highlander, 7Days, and soon Babylon 5 and Stargate SG-1.

How do you feel about fanfic in general?

I love it. It gives fans an outlet to see what the writers are afraid of or cannot do.

What advice would you give to aspiring writers?

Patience, practice, rewrites, and lots of friends. Don't worry if you get flames. Remember this is only for fun. If you worry to much about the details it isn't fun no more....
