Silent Tears

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Title: Silent Tears
Author(s): Devery Helm
Date(s): 1982
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
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art by Ann Crouch

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Silent Tears is a Star Trek: TOS story by Devery Helm. The art is by Ann Crouch.

It was published in Nome #5.


"After a deep meld to strengthen their friendship and deepen their understanding of each other, Kirk must deal with the deep sadness he perceives from Spockʼs childhood."

Reactions and Reviews

‘Silent Tears’ – realistic study of what it might be like to enter a mindmeld, made up of Kirk’s reflections on what he has just seen of Spock’s childhood memories. A well thought out character study. [1]


  1. ^ from Datazine #19