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Title: Shipwreck
Author(s): fawatson
Date(s): 31 October 2011
Length: 476 words
Genre(s): missing scene
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: http://

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Shipwreck[1] was written in response to the Spooky Halloween Challenge in 2011 on the maryrenaultfics community (prompt: the unquiet dark). It describes a shipwreck suffered by Nikeratos in the novel as he journey’s from Syracuse, which leaves him with an abiding dislike of sea travel. In the story Nikeratos realises it is caused by the Ancient Greek god of winds, Aeolus, who spares Nikeratos because he honoured the gods in his funeral oration for Dionysus the Elder. The last line in the story is a direct quotation from Renault’s novel.

Comments by readers include:

  • Wonderful use of the last line! I also like the way you have used the first person so convincingly and actually made me feel the pitch and toss of the ship!trueriver


  1. ^ ["Shipwreck" by fawatson, posted to maryrenaultfics on 31 October 2011.] Accessed 10 January 2013.