Shadows Where I Stand

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Title: Shadows Where I Stand
Author(s): skarlatha
Date(s): 2015
Length: 126,990 words
Genre(s): Slash, AU
Fandom(s): The Walking Dead
Relationship(s): Rick Grimes/Daryl Dixon
External Links: AO3
"gray tinted painting of Daryl walking down a tree lined country lane"
Cover art by skarlatha (2015)

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Shadows Where I Stand by skarlatha is a The Walking Dead fic focused on the pairing of Rick Grimes/Daryl Dixon.


After the events of "This Sorrowful Life," Rick wakes up in the hospital with the name of the man he can't live without forgotten on his lips and a doctor telling him that the last two years have been a dream. He then begins the long, arduous process of readjusting to life in the real world, but he can't get the image of the beautiful archer out of his head and soon signs start to appear that the dream may actually be real. Could Rick actually find his hunter? Could they actually have a shot at a happy ending? And will Rick finally be able to tell Daryl that he is the love of his life?

Reactions and Reviews

A fic answering my desire to see Rick time travel back to the coma and see how he’d act differently with everything he’d learned. Plus seeing Daryl getting the love he so majorly deserves. I think it’s cute how Rick can remember his other life but can’t remember his friends names so he gives them all cute nicknames. Though this fic was written around season 3 (so Rick was still level headed) it would be interesting to see if another fic could show Rick coming back to civilisation from the insane intelligent caveman place he is in now.[1]

I loved the supernatural/mystic element of this story and how the author dealt with Rick and his maybe crazy maybe not actions and how the people around him reacted to him[2]

Another walking dead, Rick wakes up and it was all dream, but with a twist. It keeps you guessing for a good while, and when the main event finally happens it is done so well I cheered out loud.[3]

Fandom Classic=Must Read
The pacing of Rick slowly realizing through memories and dreams how much he loves/needs Daryl is so well done its effortless. P-I-N-I-N-G[4]

It might be a form of ego to put my partner’s work as a shining beacon of Rickyl awesomeness in a dark, dark world, but I feel that I have to be completely honest when I say this is THE Rickyl fic for me. It’s both canon and AU and the characterizations are very spot-on. And that whistle scene. DAMN.[5]

Seriously if you like Rickyl and haven’t read this yet, I highly recommend! ❤️[6]

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