Best of Sentinel Fanfiction on the Web

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Recommendation Website
Name: Best of Sentinel Fanfiction on the Web
Reccer(s): Robyn and Becky
Dates: created September 13, 1998-last updated 23 September 2000
Focus: gen and slash
Fandom: The Sentinel
URL: (Wayback)
Best of Sentinel fanfiction on the web logo.gif

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Best of Sentinel Fanfiction on the Web was a Sentinel recommendations page.

It was a subpage of Sensory Overload, created and maintained by Robyn and Becky. It housed gen fanfic recs in five categories (Drama, Humor, Smarm, Crossover and Misc), of work by 79 authors. The page was a member of The Sentinel Webring.

It was later incorporated into the Cascade Library site.[1]

"Want to read some The Sentinel fanfiction but don't know where to start?
Many talented author-fans of the television show The Sentinel have written literally hundreds of fanfiction stories on the Internet. For someone new to Sentinel fanfiction, knowing where to start can be rather overwhelming -- kinda like being in a candy store for the first time. This page lists some of the best of Sentinel fanfiction stories and authors you can find on the web, including many of the older, "classic" stories. These delectable stories are bound to get you hooked!"[2]

The original site was documented on Fanlore as part of the OTW's GeoCities Rescue Project.

Site Announcement

We'd like to announce yet another Sentinel web page from the indefatigable web page factory of Robyn and Becky (you'd think we have something better to do on three-day weekends, but nooooo....)

It's called "Best of Sentinel Fanfiction on the Web". In hopes of preventing a big nasty yahoo on our venerable discussion lists, we'd like to explain that this site is an unofficial recommendations site for Sentinel fanfiction. It arbitrarily only lists Gen fanfiction (no slash or adult) that is currently available on the web (no fanzine-only published stories). Please understand that it's not meant to take the place of the nice Guide Posts Recommendations page. We simply noticed that due to the fairly recent construction of the GP recommendations page, many of the older, "classic" fanfiction stories are not recommended, and newer fans might be unaware of them.

In the spirit of our other site (Welcome to the Sentinel Fandom -- a webpage for new Sentinel fans), we thought it might be helpful, especially to newer fans, to point them in the direction of a few good stories in order to get them hopelessly hooked on fanfiction and The Sentinel. The total number of sentinel fanfiction pieces out there is approaching the 1000 mark by our count, and growing every day. Knowing where to start reading can be somewhat overwhelming for someone new to the fandom.

The page also is designed to contain recommendations from all you avid fanfiction readers, and has a simple submit form to facilitate your participation. Pleeease, please, please, we really hope you'll visit and help share some of your favorite stories.

To start the site off, Becky and Robyn have recommended a few of their favorite stories. Okay, fine, it's actually more like stories from 28 different authors so far, some of whom have more than one story recommended. The stories are categorized (drama, humor, smarm, crossover, etc.). I'd like to emphasize that it's only the beginning -- there are a lot of good stories out there that we haven't had time to list yet, and obviously we all have differing preferences and favorites, so that's why we'd like to include your recommendations as well.

Okay, I think that's it. I think I'm forgetting something.... Oh yeah, the URL!

Please visit and let us know what you think. Thanks for your patience.

Robyn & Becky [3]


The Rules were:[2]

  • The stories listed at this site are categorized as "Gen" fanfic (no slash or adult stories are listed).
  • The stories listed at this site are available on the web (no stories available only in fanzines are listed).
  • No harsh or undesirable critiques or lists of badly written stories are listed at this site.
  • Readers are welcome to submit their own recommendations of favorite stories by using the forms on each page and will be credited likewise.
  • This site is by no means meant to be a comprehensive listing of all great Sentinel stories—the sheer volume of excellent fanfiction makes this impossible. Just because a story or author is not listed does not mean they aren't worth reading!
  • Stories will be linked to the index page of the website where the story is found, unless the author gives permission to link directly to the story. If the story is archived at Guide Posts, it will be linked directly.
  • By definition, any listing of the "Best" stories will be subjective and purely the opinion of the recommender. The reader should keep in mind that different people have different likes and dislikes.

Example recommendations


From the Drama page:[4] The Center Cannot Hold by Iris Wilde
recommended by Robyn

A long and truly superior H/C drama, you'd never know this was Iris's first fan fiction story by the wonderful characterizations of Jim and Blair, uncannily true to their characters on the show. The premise of Blair shooting another person has been approached in a few other stories, but in my opinion never as well-written as by this talented author. It is full of vivid scenes, witty tension-breakers, and touchable emotion as the two men work through the difficult aftermath without ever abandoning each other. A wonderful story and a must-read. This has all the markings of a classic TS fanfic piece. Found at Iris Wilde's page.

With Deadly Intent by Beth Manz and Shiloh
recommended by Robyn

The Sentinel fandom struck gold when these two authors combined their talents to create this magnificent story which brings back one of The Sentinel's best villains, honing his entertaining character into a truly formidable enemy. This piece gives readers the best of both worlds—riveting suspense, gentle humor, wondrous smarm, and above all a friendship so deep the emotion filled my heart and made it overflow. The whole story is a great rollercoaster ride from beginning to end—it starts up and doesn't stop, even when you're screaming! It also contains the best near-death scene I have ever read in fanfic. Jim and Blair's devotion to one another shines so brightly, this story will always stand in the fanfic as a monument to the heights to which their friendship can really fly. Found at Mackie's Idol Pursuits and at Shycat's Sentinel Domain.


From the Humor page:[5] The Great Escape by Hephaistos
recommended by DawnC

Okay, so I'm her beta-reader and that makes me biased, but, really, this is a very good story! Lots of good humor and a well-thought-out ending. If you haven't read it yet and you like humor stories, especially those with a slight touch of smarm and angst, then you'll definitely enjoy this one! Found at The Browsery.

recommended by Robyn

I'm not Hephaistos' beta <g> but take it from me—any lover of Sentinel humor fan fiction MUST READ this hilarious story! It's humor with an extremely clever plot, and that's a rarity. In a battle of wits, Blair (our favorite escape artist) is challenged by the guys from Major Crimes to escape their custody by the end of the weekend. Our anthropologist is in fine form, deliciously clever and in character, and the ending is... well, incredibly satisfying... you HAVE to read this! One of my favorite humor pieces of all time!

recommended by Catgirl

This is one of the smartest stories I've ever read. If you haven't read this amazing story, I feel very sorry for you.


From the Smarm page:[6] Beach by Martha and Kitty Woldow
recommended by Becky

Very, very intense smarm. An on-going serial written with heart and soul and love for these two men. Full of gorgeous imagery and heartspoken, heartbreaking, tremendously tender, tremendously powerful words that describe the close and warm friendship between Jim and Blair that goes beyond everything and anything either men expect or realize is true. A must-read if you're a smarmaholic. Don't miss it! Found at the Sentinel Smarm Sanctuary.


From the Crossover page:[7] Innuai by Anne Murdoch
recommended by Gale Dumont

I've been a PtL fan for about 4 years now, and *live* over at LegacyWeb, the unnofficial PtL site. A bunch of other PtL fans also like TS, and one of them recommended this one to me. So I went and checked it out, and was *floored*. The characterizations on both shows were dead-on, and it just did a really nice, believeable job of fitting both shows together fairly without compromising anyone or any aspect of either show. Generally, when there's a crossover, it's more like "Here's Show A. Here are some characters from Show B. Let's throw them together." In this case, it was, "Here's Show A. Here's Show B. Here's a common threat. Here are characters from Shows A and B working together to defeat it."

Overall, it's one of the best pieces of TS or PtL fic I've ever read, and I highly recommend it. I only wish Anne Murdoch has written more, 'cause I'm pretty sure that this is it. Found at Hargrove Vault.


From the Misc page:[8] Anonymeek's stories (various missing scenes)
recommended by Just Jen

Anonymeek's writing in *all* of her work is exceptional. She has a very smooth writing style and her characterization of the boys is always right on the money. I especially love her Missing Scenes (for Cypher, Mirror Image, Crossroads, and The Rig). She doesn't just apply a quick fix to the eps, but seamlessly fills in events between the scenes. And she does so so smoothly that the whole ep. is improved as a result - covering the emotional bases, accounting for plot holes that I hadn't even realized *were* holes, wrapping up loose ends without ever seeming forced or contrived for the sake of closure. I consider these four pieces to be the *definitive* "missing scenes" from their respective episodes, and among Senfic's finest, in general. =) Found at Anonymeek's very simple Sentinel Site.



  1. ^ Recommendations: Want to read some The Sentinel fan fiction but don't know where to start?
  2. ^ a b BoSFotW - Front Page (accessed via Wayback 30 September 2009)
  3. ^ New Website! , September 13, 1998
  4. ^ BoSFotW - Drama page (accessed by Wayback 30 September 2009)
  5. ^ BoSFotW - Humor page (accessed by Wayback 30 September 2009)
  6. ^ BoSFotW - Smarm page (accessed by Wayback 30 September 2009)
  7. ^ BoSFotW - Crossover page (accessed by Wayback 30 September 2009)
  8. ^ BoSFotW - Misc page (accessed by Wayback 30 September 2009)