Seeing is Believing

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Title: Seeing is Believing
Author(s): Kay Wells
Date(s): 1989
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
Relationship(s): Kirk/Spock
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Seeing is Believing is a Kirk/Spock story by Kay Wells.

It was published in the print zine Off Duty #2.


"When McCoy refuses to believe him after he tells McCoy that he and Spock are lovers, Kirk decides to invite McCoy along on his and Spockʼs shoreleave where he plans to have McCoy "accidentally” see him and Spock making love."

Reactions and Reviews


A very nice, crisply written story. Even with all the sex, there was a real plot, and an original one, at that. The story could have done without the first sex scene, as it didn't do anything to move the plot along. Otherwise, the sex scenes were very nicely written—the perfect mixture of tender, warm feelings and sheer eroticism. A very enjoyable read. The illo on page 110 really caught my attention. Few artists try to depict that particular act, and fewer still do it from that angle. Wow! [1]

I always like Ms. Wells' stories; her characters are true to form and their dialogue perfect, and there's usually a touch of humor (I really admire someone who can do humor effectively — it's so difficult). There wasn't a lot of plot to this story — just McCoy not believing in Kirk and Spock's relationship, then accidentally seeing them, then pretending not to believe — but her understanding of their reactions and the warmth of her writing style made this a really enjoyable story. [2]


A nice, refreshing look at a McCoy who doesn't have everything all figured out long before the participants do. There was so much loving and real caring here, topped with pulse pounding temptation...what a combination! I found this very, very true to all the characters and it left a nice warm spot in my heart. [3]


  1. ^ from The LOC Connection #6
  2. ^ from The LOC Connection #8
  3. ^ from The LOC Connection #14