Seduction (Star Trek: DS9 story)

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Title: Seduction
Author(s): Valerie the Nightbird
Date(s): 1998
External Links: Available at the author's site

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Seduction is a Star Trek: DS9 story by Valerie the Nightbird.

It as a sequel called Shadowdance.

Reactions and Reviews

A dark tale that drags Bashir down a sinister path past the point of no return. The writer carefully and systematically breaks Bashir down bit by bit, by combining Section 31's "persuasion" tactics, and Bashir's growing resentment of Sisko. In the end Bashir gives in to the weariness in the battle to save the noble, principled man he once was and surrenders the fight after Section 31 succeeds in getting blood on Julian's hands. If you like dark drama combined with putting the good doctor through the ringer of all kinds of hell, you'll enjoy this story greatly. I sure did. [1]


  1. ^ alt.startrek.creative, March 1999