Second Chance (Star Wars story by Lybarger)

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Title: Second Chance
Author(s): Wanda Lybarger
Date(s): 1995
Genre(s): gen/het
Fandom(s): Star Wars
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Second Chance is a Star Wars story by Wanda Lybarger.

This story is an "authorized" alternate ending to a 1981 story by Kay Crist called Final Act of Love.

Regarding the Reprint of "Final Act of Love" and the Original Publication of "Second Chance"

Ming Wathne, editor of Bright Center of the Universe, wrote about these two stories in her zine:

In the early days of Star Wars, I came across a story that I found I could read again, and again, but I must admit it is not a story to read on a rainy day after you have had the flu for 2 months. Never-the-less, I thought I should like to reprint it for all the new fans who have never had a chance to read it. To my horror, I found I could not locate the author, so from issue one of Bright Center until now, this story has not been reprinted.

The story is beautifully written, but some fans found the ending somewhat disturbing. Wanda Lybarger being one of these [fans] decided to write an addendum, putting her own ending on the story. I was just as fascinated with her version as I was with the original. Wanda's story had never been printed, and I begged her to let me print it, but she felt, (rightly so) that "Second Chance" would not have the proper impact if one had not read the first story. I admit I cried a bit, but I could perfectly understand her reasoning.

Then Oh Joy! I managed to contact Kay Crist, the original author of Final Act of Love, and she, great lady as she is, gave me permission to reprint her story, opening the way for me to do Wanda's as well. Now all is well -- well not quite, there is a bit more to the research, but to explain it now, would lesson the impact of the story -- so on the last page of this little grouping is the final word on this Editor's research, and please read it, because it is necessary to understand some of the art pieces.


Regarding the Illos for Both Stories

The editor's notes at the end of the two stories:

Hope you enjoyed the stories as much as I did. A little more explanation is due you. [snipped] Wanda Lybarger does not illustrate Star Wars stories that feature the death of any of the three main characters. The fact that two of her illos appear to break this rule here, is another research fluke that needs to be explained. The first and second illos were never made for these stories. One appeared as the cover of Alderaani Imperative, and the second one was the back cover of one issue of Shadowstar [2]. They were originally done over a year apart with no connection to these stories, but I knew this art could be used to great effect for these particular stories, and using all of my persuasion short of blackmail, I convinced Wanda this was not really compromising her "no Death Scene" position. She did not draw them for these stories. The third illo was definitely done for these stories. We had to leave Han and Leia with happy faces. [3]

From the Original Story: "Final Act of Love"

From the Alternate Ending: "Second Chance" -- The "Happy Faces"


  1. ^ from the editorial of Bright Center of the Universe #5
  2. ^ Shadowstar #17.
  3. ^ from the editorial of Bright Center of the Universe #5