Scottish Society of Leonard Nimoy Fanatics

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Title: Scottish Society of Leonard Nimoy Fanatics
Publisher: Scottish Society of Leonard Nimoy Fanatics (fan club of the same name that was based in Glasgow, Scotland)
Editor(s): Helen Ralston, club president
Type: club newsletter
Date(s): 1972-1973 (perhaps later)
Medium: print
Size: 8 ½ x 11
Fandom: Leonard Nimoy
Language: English
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Scottish Society of Leonard Nimoy Fanatics is a Scottish club newsletter.

This club also published a yearbook in 1973.

The club was a member of LNAF.

Issue 1

Scottish Society of Leonard Nimoy Fanatics 1 was published in October 1972 and contains 8 pages.

cover of issue #1
inside pages from issue #1
  • Letter from S.S.L.N.F. President Helen Ralston (1 page)
  • The Leonard Nimoy Story, bio (3 pages)
  • A Star Trek Story, fiction (3½ pages)
  • Spock Must Smile, fiction (½ page)
  • Clubs – Buying – Selling – Exchange (1 page)

Issue 2

front page of issue #2

Scottish Society of Leonard Nimoy Fanatics 2 was published in May 1973 and contains 15 pages.

Contributors include Helen Ralston, Shirley Maiewski, and others.

1973 Yearbook

Scottish Society of Leonard Nimoy Fanatics 1973 Yearbook contains 64 pages.

cover of the 1973 Yearbook