Sacrifice (The King Must Die story)

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Title: Sacrifice
Author(s): fawatson
Date(s): 31 October 2011
Length: 313 words
Genre(s): missing scene
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: http://

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Sacrifice[1] was written in response to the Spooky Halloween challenge in 2011 on the maryrenaultfics community (prompt: the unquiet dark). The Corinthian (a minor character in The King Must Die) goes to sacrifice to the god Poseidon the night before a performance and is given a sign he will die the next day. In the morning he salutes his successor (Theseus) just before he begins his last dance.

Comments by readers include:

  • Oh my...I always loved the Corinthian and to have the end of his story told here in his own POV honors him--and his innate courage and dignity.ladymouse2
