A Piece of the Action

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Title: A Piece of the Action
Publisher: Star Trek Welcommittee
Editor(s): Mark Schulman, then KathE Donnelly (later KathE Walker) and Karolyn Popovich, Helen Young, Virginia Walker, Paula Smith, Sharon Ferraro and many more...
Date(s): 1973-1982
Frequency: monthly
Medium: print
Fandom: Star Trek: TOS
Language: English
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A Piece of the Action (often referred to as "APOTA") is a gen newsletter published as the Star Trek Welcomittee's Monthly Report. The explosive growth of Star Trek zines can be attributed to the publication of Star Trek Lives! (1975) and can be traced through the issues of A Piece of the Action.

In 1976, APOTA took on new publishers KathE Donnelly (later KathE Walker) and Karolyn Popovich. Circulation at that time was 1500.

In 1980, the newsletter went from twelve issues a year to six issues a year.

It folded in 1982 in "a blaze of glory" after the editor's office caught fire. See the last issue.

Issue Summaries
